Monday, 30 May 2016


Adidas is bae. This outfit is bae. White and black outfits are bae. Matching black and white outfits with Adidas brand is bae x3. #SoMuchBaeInOnePhoto

I was all up in Adidas previously and I'ma be all up in this outfit too. 1.Those S H O E S! Kill me and bury me with those shoes cause they're taking me to heaven. Black is B E A U T Y! 2. That warm, cosy jumper is like, yaaaas! Summer is right under my nose but winter doesn't feel that bad right now. This is a killer outfit that makes me appreciate the seasons! YAAAS!

OK, This is the deal. Last week on Wednesday, I did my nails all good and nice. On Saturday, it looked like I was in a fight with my 57 cats that didn't like my nail polish colour. I mean, why nails?! What have I done to you? I made you look all lovely and how do you repay me? My lasting for 3 days, 7 hours and 39,5 minutes?! Seeing pictures of perfect nails make me wanna give up on myself..... But theses nails sooo cute!

Ahhh... A nice, day-to-day summer outfit. Exactly what I need now after a roller-coaster moment, with a summer-Adidas-bae outfit, winter-cosy-perfection outfit and dream-cute-nails I'll never have. Hahaha.
I hope y'all lovelies have had a wonderful day and feel me in this post!
TTYL (on Wednesday).


Wednesday, 25 May 2016


This wedding dress is so dreamy. In the far future when I'm like getting married or something I so want to have my dress looking like this. So elegant.

One thing that's amazing of being black is that I don't have to do anything to have my darker colour, I just do. This girl has most probably tanned for quite some time to achieve her beautiful dark completion, while all I have to do is to just exist.

I feel like it's time we all start loving our skin completion. We're all different and the difference in our colours are what makes us unique and beautiful. I feel like a person should not tan to please anyone, instead be out in the sun because it's warm and if they get darker, it's just good.

After the serious caption, gonna end it with gold and glitter cause it never fails. This is so fab!

Monday, 23 May 2016


Lace and floral is like to die for. And this combination with the see through design, just makes my fashion sense tingle with joy. I'd love to find the full dress and admire it for two weeks. ahh!

Now that summer is right around the corner, I can finally start day dreaming of  sneakers and fake tattoos, yay!!!


I just want summer!!!!!!