Adidas is bae. This outfit is bae. White and black outfits are bae. Matching black and white outfits with Adidas brand is bae x3. #SoMuchBaeInOnePhoto
I was all up in Adidas previously and I'ma be all up in this outfit too. 1.Those S H O E S! Kill me and bury me with those shoes cause they're taking me to heaven. Black is B E A U T Y! 2. That warm, cosy jumper is like, yaaaas! Summer is right under my nose but winter doesn't feel that bad right now. This is a killer outfit that makes me appreciate the seasons! YAAAS!
OK, This is the deal. Last week on Wednesday, I did my nails all good and nice. On Saturday, it looked like I was in a fight with my 57 cats that didn't like my nail polish colour. I mean, why nails?! What have I done to you? I made you look all lovely and how do you repay me? My lasting for 3 days, 7 hours and 39,5 minutes?! Seeing pictures of perfect nails make me wanna give up on myself..... But theses nails sooo cute!
Ahhh... A nice, day-to-day summer outfit. Exactly what I need now after a roller-coaster moment, with a summer-Adidas-bae outfit, winter-cosy-perfection outfit and dream-cute-nails I'll never have. Hahaha.
I hope y'all lovelies have had a wonderful day and feel me in this post!
TTYL (on Wednesday).